Friday, October 4, 2013

Another Day

Today started off much the same as any other day: wake up…feed the dogs…take them for their walk. I’ve learned to relish in these walks b/c they allow me to meditate and zone out for a bit. Moreover, it allows me to collect my thoughts as far as my goals for the day whether it be for work, eating, working out…you name it. This afternoon’s workout looks pretty rough, but it will be worth it. Everything in me wants to skip it, but I won’t. I head out of town early tomorrow morning for my ten year law school reunion. It’s amazing how much has changed since 2003 and also how many different athletic and fitness ventures I’ve jumped into since then. I’ll share more of that later this next week. Anyway, here’s what the workout looks like for today. It’s strikingly different than Kettleworx or Kickboxing…

Back Squat 2-2-2-2-2 (2 rep max)
76 Air Squats
76 Push Ups
76 Hollow rocks
76 Lunges
800m run

It promises to be a bruiser. Anyhow, I’ve fueled my body pretty well the past couple of days, but as you notice, there’s a fair amount of larger muscle groups in this workout (legs/hamstrings, chest, quads…), so it will be important to focus on what I put into my body after the workout. Earlier this week I mentioned I’d share some food tips that I’ve learned. Here’s one that’s really helped me. As most of you know, I do use protein shakes, shakeology and JaiSeed being a couple. Brittany (Fit W Britt) will also be giving me some of Zija's Prime90 shake to try. You can learn more about  Often times we need an extra boost of protein without having the time to prepare a high protein meal such as eggs or chicken or turkey. As a result, a quick fix that takes me about 45 seconds to do in my Vitamix ( is shake mix, ice, a handful of berries, and a smattering of nuts like almonds, brazil nuts, hemp seed, and cashews. The vitamix liquefies everything, so it’s easy to drink. In a nutshell, no pun intended, I’ve now greatly increased my good protein intake, coupled with the good fats, without going overboard on protein in a way that my body can’t process it.  Tomorrow is cheat day, so we’ll see how that goes…stay tuned for more food tips this weekend…

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